January 23, 2024
With Scranton receiving an average of 46 inches of rain per year, it’s no surprise that natural settling and tree root growth can have a major impact on your plumbing. While many of these factors are beyond your control, there are some regular habits that you can practice to greatly reduce your chance of experiencing a clogged pipe in your home.
Don’t Rinse Oil or Grease Down the Drain
One of the biggest causes of clogged pipes is slimy oil and grease. Many homeowners are under the misconception that they can drain grease and other oils down their drain when it’s hot. While you may think that it will travel easily down your piping, that’s actually not the case. It will start to cool down quickly and adhere to the sides of your piping. Over time, this slimy material will attract hair and other debris that will end up clogging your pipes.
Use Screens
All the drains in your Clifton Township home should have screens on them. These screens will catch debris like hair and food particles before they enter your drain. By actively preventing this debris from making its way into your piping, you can greatly reduce your risk of experiencing a clog, as there will be little to no debris for the clog to form.
Don’t Rinse Food or Coffee Particles Down the Drain
Another great tip to avoid the need for professional drain cleaning is to never rinse food particles or coffee grounds down the drain. While you may be running water while rinsing these items, that doesn’t completely stop them from getting stuck in your piping. These are the particles that get attached to other items like slimy grease that end up clogging your pipes.
Be Mindful of What You Flush
Just because items may flush down the toilet doesn’t mean that they should be. Feminine hygiene products, dental floss, bulky material, and other similar items should never be flushed in the toilet. Your toilet should be reserved for human waste and toilet paper only.
Clear Your Drain Stoppers Regularly
Every few weeks, it’s a good idea to clear your drain stoppers. You can easily do this by pulling up the stopper in your sinks and removing any debris that is attached to them. Make sure that you thoroughly rinse the stopper before reinserting it back into your sink.
No one likes dealing with a clogged pipe. By implementing the great tips that we went over above, you can drastically reduce your risk of experiencing a plumbing problem. However, if you do experience a clog, be sure to contact Freedom Flow today to get the professional assistance that you need.